The online app Advanced search in DOCX is a full-text search application for the text content of DOCX files and has the following features:
Three search modes: all words from the query, any word from the query, the whole phrase.
Case-sensitive and case-insensitive search.
Fuzzy search (approximate string matching) with the ability to set a fuzziness value from 1 to 9.
Wildcard search (supported characters: '?' for a single character, '*' for a group of characters or the empty substring).
Search for various word forms, synonyms and homophones.
The full-text search engine GroupDocs.Search, on the basis of which this application is built, has much broader capabilities, for example:
Advanced boolean search – query words can be combined with boolean operators into an expression of arbitrary complexity.
For fuzzy search, the dependency function of fuzziness on word length can be linear or stepped.
Advanced word search by pattern with wildcards.
Faceted search in any field of the DOCX file.
Advanced search for ranges of numbers and dates in any format.
Advanced search in DOCX in this web application is performed in two stages:
Indexing DOCX files.
Search in the index.
Search results are generated in the form:
List of text segments containing words and phrases of the query.
The whole extracted text of the DOCX file with highlighting of the found words and phrases.
Page-by-page formatted DOCX file with highlighting of found words and phrases.