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  2. Parser
  3. GIF text viewer

View text from GIF

View text from GIF for free!

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Graphical Interchange Format File

A GIF or Graphical Interchange Format is a type of highly compressed image. Owned by Unisys, GIF uses the LZW compression algorithm that does not degrade the image quality. For each image GIF typically allow up to 8 bits per pixel and up to 256 colors are allowed across the image. In contrast to a JPEG image, which can display up to 16 million colors and fairly touches the limits of the human eye.

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How it works

How to view text from GIF files

Step 1
Click inside the file drop area to upload a GIF file or drag & drop a GIF file.
Step 2
Once your GIF document is parsed the page with the the extracted text is shown.
Step 3
Copy and use in any application the part of the text that you need

Other file formats supported by GroupDocs.Parser

You can also parse many other file formats. Please see the complete list below.

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