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Combine multiple Archive documents in the preferred order and save them as a single ZIP file. Free online Archive Merger tool without registration is created to quickly join multiple files into a single ZIP document. Join multiple Archive files into one ZIP document at high speed. You will not spend your time doing these operations manually on desktop software. Our goal is to provide you with a reliable solution to optimize your office workflow through online Archive Merger application. This Archive Merger tool works for all platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS and Android. No desktop software installation is required. It's powerful, modern, fast, flexible, easy-to-use and completely free.
File Compression is the process to reduce the size of one or more files. It shrinks big files into much smaller ones by removing unneeded data. The compressed file archive makes it easier to send and back up large files or groups of files. Moreover, such files make downloading faster easier and allow more data to be stored on removable media.
Read moreZIP file extension represents archives that can hold one or more files or directories. The archive can have compression applied to the included files in order to reduce the ZIP file size. ZIP file format was made public back in February 1989 by Phil Katz for achieving archiving of files and folders. The format was made part of PKZIP utility, created by PKWARE, Inc.
Read moreYou can also merge other file formats. Please see the list below.