Text QR Generator for Images

Easy Text QR Code Creation for Images Documents!

  Text   URL   Wi-Fi   Phone   Email   Event   VCard   MeCard   SEPA   Cryptocurrency

Enter QR code Data

QR code for Plain Text

QR code for URL

QRCode for Phone Numbers

QRCode for Event Data

QR code for VCard Contact

QRCode for MeCard Contact

QR code for European Payments Council Quick Response Code

Wi-Fi QR

Cryptocurrency QR

Download your QR code

Download your QR code

Character set and code-text capacity

  • All 256 ASCII characters + Kanji.
  • Up to 7089 numeric characters, 4296 alphanumeric characters, 2953 bytes (binary data) or 1817 Kanji characters.

Text Details

So many benefits to share your message, ideas as text embedded into the QR Code. This is easiest way to populate your information in electronic format to spread it over image, document, files, emails etc. The QR Code with text automatically parsed by all modern devices.

Learn more about Text
The QR Code generator tool lets you create a different QR COde that you can download and use to add to the business contracts and official documents. Any QR COde contains unique textual information that confirms the identity of the signer or authorizes the business document. QR Code verification can take place automatically by reading the contents of the QR Code embedded data. These signatures could be scanned automatically. The QR Code allows to keep over 2 Kbytes of data. The GroupDocs Generator tool allows you to generate electronic signatures from any browser for free without registration. GroupDocs will be happy to help you with the QR Code generation and their usage on your images documents.
  • Generate text QR-Code for the images documents online
  • Support most text QR-Code
  • Support free full text QR-Code details text to enter with localization languages
  • Allow to download generated QR Code and add to the images document.
  • Upload images document and add text QR-Code to any document page
How to generate TEXT  QR-code and add into Images  Document?

 How to generate TEXT QR-code and add into Images Document?

  • Select TEXT Barcode type from the list.
  • Enter TEXT Barcode data and click button 'Generate'
  • Check TEXT Barcode appearance in a preview pane, and click 'Download' to get barcode image or 'Add to Document' for signing a document with generated barcode.
  • Select QR-code type
  • Enter QR-code data and click 'Generate'
Online {0}QR Code Maker for Images !
Generate {0}QR Code Signatures for Images documents with our Free QR Code Generator - quick, easy, and one-click!
Generate QR сode {0}, QR code {0}generator, generate QR code {0}for {1}, {0}QR-code generator
{0}QR Generator for Images
Easy {0}QR Code Creation for Images Documents!
Learn more about {0}
{0} Details
How to generate TEXT QR-code and add into Images Document?
Select TEXT Barcode type from the list.
Enter TEXT Barcode data and click button 'Generate'
Check TEXT Barcode appearance in a preview pane, and click 'Download' to get barcode image or 'Add to Document' for signing a document with generated barcode.
Select QR-code type
Enter QR-code data and click 'Generate'
Generate Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin cryptocurrency QR code transaction for Images Document

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

  • ❓ What is the Text QR Code?
    A common generated QR Code is a machine-readable image that can contain any limited information. Specific QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. A Text QR Code uses specific data to represent a Text object with its properties.
  • ❓ How to generate Text QR code?
    For the Text QR Code enter your data. Each property will describe the QR Code Text type details. Press Generate Button and download generated QR Code image. Test the Text QR code with any scanner or mobile camera! Share and distribute your Text QR code. Share and post for everyone!
  • ❓ How to use generated Text QR Code?
    The generated Text QR code can be shared over the social media as generated image, QR Code can be scanned over any mobile camera! Share and distribute your Text QR code to spread the information in it!
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