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Phone QR Generator for Gif

Easy Phone QR Code Creation for Gif Documents!

Set QRCode Type

  • Text
  • URL
  • Wi-Fi
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Event
  • VCard
  • MeCard
  • SEPA
  • Cryptocurrency

Enter QR code Data

Download your QR code

Download your QR code

Powered by groupdocs.com and groupdocs.cloud.

Characters and capacity

  • All 256 ASCII characters + Kanji.
  • Up to 7089 numeric characters, 4296 alphanumeric characters, 2953 bytes (binary data) or 1817 Kanji characters.

Phone Details

Use QR Code Phone standard to share phone numbers so easily. The format is known as a Static Phone QR Code is the simplest way to place it anywhere on media your web site or cloud resources. There is no need to type or dictate phone. QR Code with Phone will let any phone camera detect the number for QR Code and suggest phone call.

Learn more about Phone

About QR Generator App

The QR Code generator tool lets you create a different codes that you can download and use to add to the business contracts and official documents. Any QR Code contains unique textual information that confirms the identity of the signer or authorizes the business document. QR verification can take place automatically by reading the contents of the code embedded data. These signatures could be scanned automatically. The QR Code allows to keep over 2 Kbytes of data. The GroupDocs Generator tool allows you to generate electronic signatures from any browser for free without registration. GroupDocs will be happy to help you with the QR Code generation and their usage on your gif documents.

  • Generate phone QR-Code for the gif documents online
  • Support most phone QR-Code
  • Support free full phone QR-Code details text to enter with localization languages
Check our video
How it works

How to generate phone QR-code and add into gif document?

Step 1
Select QR-code type
Step 2
Enter QR-code data and click Generate
Step 3
Check QR-code appearance in a preview pane, and click Download to get QR-code image
Step 4
Click Add to Document for signing a document with generated QR-code

Questions & Answers


Graphical Interchange Format File

A GIF or Graphical Interchange Format is a type of highly compressed image. Owned by Unisys, GIF uses the LZW compression algorithm that does not degrade the image quality. For each image GIF typically allow up to 8 bits per pixel and up to 256 colors are allowed across the image. In contrast to a JPEG image, which can display up to 16 million colors and fairly touches the limits of the human eye.


Generate QR code for other file formats

You can also sign other file formats. Please see the list below.

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