Up to 7089 numeric characters, 4296 alphanumeric characters, 2953 bytes (binary data) or 1817 Kanji characters.
Text Details
So many benefits to share your message, ideas as text embedded into the QR Code. This is easiest way to populate your information in electronic format to spread it over image, document, files, emails etc. The QR Code with text automatically parsed by all modern devices.
Electronic signatures and digital certificates allow to sign document with eSign application. Note, the signed document keeps signatures as supported document elements, such as text, labels, stickers, images, hidden metadata information and digital certificates that verifies document content. The document signed with digital certificates could be verified for any changes of its content. If there were some changes made to signed document then verification process will detect it and certificates will be not valid. To add various electronic signatures, you need to select one or more documents, then in application select one from the existing signature templates like Text Stamps, Images, Handwritten signatures, Barcode, QR Code or digital certificate to sign, drag the signatures across the document pages. The documents are stored in a secure storage. You can upload it from any platform, mobile or another device, on any Windows, MacOs, Linux or Android platform. We support any browser and provide generation of any digital signatures, metadata signatures or certificates. No registration is required. All files are processed on our servers so no additional plug-ins or software installations.
Protect document with digital signatures.
Support any document format as PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, RTF, ODS, OTS, ODP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and many more!
Sign PDF documents with digital certificates and various electronic signatures.
Sign Microsoft and Open Office documents from browsers.
Generate Barcode, generate QR code and add them to your documents.
How to generate QR-code and add into the Document?
Select QR-code type from the list on the left side.
Enter QR-code data - text, phone number, url etc. in a central pane.
Check QR-code appearance in a preview pane on the right or press 'Generate' button.
Press the 'Download' button to save the generated QR-code image.
Press the 'Add to Document' button to apply QR-code to your document.
{"STEP1_PUTS":"1. Put signatures:","STEP2_SIGN":"2. Sign and download:","STEP3_EXIT":"Exit:","Sign_Bar_Name":"Barcodes","Sign_Bar_Title":"New Barcode","Sign_Dig_Name":"Digital Certificates (.pfx)","Sign_Dig_Title":"New digital signature","Sign_Hand_Name":"Handwritten signatures","Sign_Hand_Title":"","Sign_Image_Name":"Image signatures","Sign_Image_Title":"Add image signature","Sign_Qr_Name":"QR-codes","Sign_Qr_Title":"New QR-code","Sign_Stamp_Name":"Stamps","Sign_Stamp_Title":"","Sign_Text_Name":"Text signatures","Sign_Text_Title":"","ListPanel_Apply":"Apply","ListPanel_NoEntries":"There is no entries yet","Sign_Text_Default":"Signed","UI_Text_Click_Or_Drop":"Click [split] to open [file] [split] or drop it here","UI_Text_Certificate":"a certificate","UI_Text_Image":"an image","UI_Text_File":"a file","URL_SignDocument":"https://products.groupdocs.app/signature/sign/","URL_FileUpload":"https://products.groupdocs.app/api/signature/upload","URL_SignWithGeneratedImage":"https://products.groupdocs.app/api/signature/signwithgeneratedimage","URL_Total":"/signature/total","URL_Host":"http://products.groupdocs.app","MSG_FailedToUploadFile":"Failed to upload file. Reason:","MSG_SelectFileUpload":"Please select a file to upload.","MSG_SelectFileToSign":"Please select one file to sign.","MSG_UnsupportedType":"You are trying to upload file(s) of unsupported type: ","MSG_DropSelectFileToSign":"Drop or select your file to sign","MSG_Processing":"PROCESSING","AllowedExtensions":"\"doc\",\"docx\",\"docm\",\"dot\",\"dotm\",\"dotx\",\"odt\",\"ott\",\"rtf\",\"ppt\",\"pps\",\"pptx\",\"ppsx\",\"odp\",\"otp\",\"potx\",\"potm\",\"pptm\",\"ppsm\",\"pdf\",\"xlsx\",\"ods\",\"ots\",\"xls\",\"xlsb\",\"xlsm\",\"xltm\",\"xltx\",\"csv\",\"bmp\",\"gif\",\"jpg\",\"jpeg\",\"png\",\"svg\",\"tif\",\"tiff\",\"webp\",\"wmf\",\"cdr\",\"cmx\"","ImageExtensions":".bmp,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.webp","CertificateExtensions":".pfx","Sign_Bar_Panel_Tooltip":"Add Barcode","Sign_Dig_Panel_Tooltip":"Protect with digital certificate","Sign_Hand_Panel_Tooltip":"Add handwritten signature","Sign_Image_Panel_Tooltip":"Add Image signature","Sign_Qr_Panel_Tooltip":"Add QR-code","Sign_Stamp_Panel_Tooltip":"Add Stamp","Sign_Text_Panel_Tooltip":"Add Text signature","Sign_Add_New_Tooltip":"Create new signature","Sign_Drag_Tooltip":"Drag me to the page or click","Tutorial_Tooltip":"Tutorial","STEP2_SIGN_Tooltip":"Sign document and download result","STEP3_EXIT_Tooltip":"Close editor","Sign_Hand_Color":"Color","Sign_Hand_Width":"Width"}
QR code {0}generator for {1}documents!
Generate {0}QR codes with our easy-to-use on-line QR code generator. It's perfect for businesses and individuals for {1}documents.
Generate {0}QR code, QR code {0}generator, generate QR code {0}for {1}, {0}QR-code generator
{0}QR code generator
Generate {0}QR codes easily with online QR generator!
Generate {0}QR Code
Learn more about {0}
{0} Details
Discover {0}QR-code generator free online app!
Generate {0}QR-code and add to <a onclick='gaEventQrGenSelectDocType("pdf");' target='_blank' rel='noindex nofollow' href='/signature/generate/qrcode/pdf'>PDF</a>, <a onclick='gaEventQrGenSelectDocType("docx");' target='_blank' rel='noindex nofollow' href='/signature/generate/qrcode/docx'>DOCX</a>, <a onclick='gaEventQrGenSelectDocType("xlsx");' target='_blank' rel='noindex nofollow' href='/signature/generate/qrcode/xlsx'>XLSX</a>, <a onclick='gaEventQrGenSelectDocType("pptx");' target='_blank' rel='noindex nofollow' href='/signature/generate/qrcode/pptx'>PPTX</a>, <a onclick='gaEventQrGenSelectDocType("png");' target='_blank' rel='noindex nofollow' href='/signature/generate/qrcode/png'>PNG</a> files for free. There are many more supported document formats.
How to generate {0}QR-code and add into the Document?
Select {0}QR-code type from the list on the left side.
Enter {0}QR-code data - text, phone number, url etc. in a central pane.
Check {0}QR-code appearance in a preview pane on the right or press 'Generate' button.
Press the 'Download' button to save the generated {0}QR-code image.
Press the 'Add to Document' button to apply {0}QR-code to your document.
Generate Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin QR code for cryptocurrency
FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
❓ How are QR codes generated?
QR Code generation requires the selection of the QR Type and text data to decode into the QR Code 2D representation. Once these values are selected the QR code image will be generated automatically with the ability to download or put the generated barcode to the document.
❓ How to create a QR code?
The QR Code is generated by software based on the QR type and text data. The QR type defines the algorithm to encode text into image representation and decode the image back to text data. The QR type also specifies the limited character set that is supported this QR code
❓ How to scan QR code?
The barcode can be scanned and decoded to text using GroupDocs.Signature software. When an uploaded document or image contains a barcode the software detects its type and returns text.