Lorem Ipsum ODP

Generate Lorem Ipsum ODP files with free online app!

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The presentation file format used by OpenOffice.org in the OASISOpen standard is represented by files with the.odp extension. A presentation file is a set of slides that can include text, images, formatting, animations, and other media. These slides are shown to the audience as slideshows with custom presentation settings. Applications that support the OpenDocument format can open ODP files (such as OpenOffice or StarOffice).

When you don't know what to put as content in your OpenOffice presentation, you can add Lorem Ipsum text.

Here is where our Lorem Ipsum App comes to rescue - you just have to specify how many paragraphs you want to create and it will be inserted into generated presentation slides. Another way is to generate desired amount of text and copy it into clipboard, then you will place it to the needed place of your presentation.

How to generate lorem ipsum ODP file

Set sample text properties

Select how many paragraphs of lipsum text for your ODP file you want to generate.

Generate lipsum

Click 'Generate' button and wait until process is completed.

Copy text

Click on 'Copy' button to copy generated text.

Download result

Click on 'Download' button to save created ODP file.


How do I generate ODP file with lorem ipsum text for free?

How do I create lipsum ODP file in my browser?

Can I generate lorem ipsum text on Linux, Mac OS, or Android?