Word documents online classification and categorization

Classify, categorize or perform sentiment analysis of Microsoft Word and OpenOffice documents for free.

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Online Word classification

Document classification is very useful tool to manage, filter or analyze documents in many fields of science, business and even in real life by assigning one or more categories to a document, article or paper, according to their content (science, healthcare, economics, hobbies, etc.), their origin (advertisments, articles, letters, etc.) or their sentiment. This work could be done manually by people, but today Machine Learning algorithms can do the same work quicker, less expensive and even with better quality.

Today most of documents are created either in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice software, and they are de facto standard for editable text content documents. GroupDocs Classification, fast and easy-to-use API for categorization, provides you a solution for Word and OpenOffice docs classification. Moreover it supports also other popular text formats like RTF and TXT. It could be used either as on premise product, or as Cloud solution and in this case all calculations are run on high-performance servers hosted by GroupDocs. Our API supports three different taxonomies for classification allowing to adopt product to your needs.

This free online web application powered by GroupDocs Classification API can classify Word documents using three different taxonomies. Also it allows to get a detailed report in CSV format. The application can categorize files hosted on websites without downloading them. It works on any device, including smartphones and tablettes.

Translation video

How to classify Word document

Step 1 icon

Provide a file

Upload Word document or simply enter the file’s web address.

Step 2 icon

Specify taxonomy

Select how would you like to classify your Word file.

Step 3 icon

Start classification

Click Classify button.

Step 4 icon

Get result

Wait for the classification to complete. You’ll receive the category of your document with its probability and a link to CSV file with full report.


What is IAB-2 taxonomy?

What Is document taxonomy?

What is sentiment taxonomy?

What file formats are supported?

What languages are supported?

What are the system requirements?

Can I use the app from mobile devices?

I store documents on a website. Do I need to download them?

Is this app free?

You would like

3 different taxonomies

3 different taxonomies

Classify your documents using IAB-2, Document or Sentiment taxonomy.

Zero system load

Zero system load

The translation is carried out by high-performance cloud servers. You can use the application on any system – from entry-level netbooks to smartphones.

Process documents from the Internet

Process documents from the Internet

There is no need to download documents to your local device for processing. Just paste the web address of the file and get the result.

No cost

No cost

The application can process any number of documents for free, for as long as you need.

Top classification quality

Top classification quality

Many years of experience in machine leaning technologies has led to the creation of state-of-the-art algorithms with superior speed and accuracy. GroupDocs products are used by most Fortune 500 companies across 114 countries.

Detailed results

Detailed results

You could also get a CSV report with best classes and their probabilities.

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