Online audio files translation
Automatically transform audio file into text, translate it to your language in one click and convert to file.
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Online audio files translation
Though we mostly consume visual data, but audio information plays also very important part in our life, and this is nor only conversations between friends, family or colleagues, but also different podcasts, interviews, lectures, etc. Sometimes it is not available on your native language at all. And even you speak this language, it is also much more difficult to understand audio information than written. So here machine translation is a rescue. GroupDocs Translation offers real-time machine translation for the global world. Powerful machine learning algorithms and sophisticated neural networks provide a quality close to that of a professional human translator, but much easier, faster, and more cost-effective. Running on a high-performance cloud server hosted by GroupDocs, it can translate files in almost any format across more than 100 language pairs.
This free online app powered by GroupDocs Translation goes beyond translating texts and documents. It allows you to extract the text from a video file and automatically translate it to the selected language and return the result as PDF document. You can process streaming, interviews, lectures, presentations and other types of video data. A state-of-art transcriber provides superior speed and accuracy of transformation of audio stream of video data into textual one. The application can translate files hosted on websites and popular video hosting platforms like YouTube without downloading them to your computer. The app works on any device, including smartphones.
How to translate an audio file and get the result as a file
Upload an audio file or simply enter the file’s web address.
Select the audio file language and set the target language.
Click Translate button and wait for the translation to complete.
View, edit, download or share link to the translated file.
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Terjemahan ditindakake dening server awan kanthi kinerja dhuwur. Sampeyan bisa nggunakake aplikasi ing sistem apa wae - saka netbook tingkat entri nganti smartphone.
Ora perlu ndownload dokumen menyang piranti lokal kanggo diproses. Cukup tempel alamat web file lan entuk asil.
Aplikasi kasebut bisa ngolah sawetara dokumen kanthi gratis, anggere sampeyan butuhake.
Pengalaman pirang-pirang taun ing teknologi condong mesin wis nyebabake nggawe algoritma canggih kanthi kacepetan lan akurasi sing unggul. Produk GroupDocs digunakake dening umume perusahaan Fortune 500 ing 114 negara.
Aplikasi kasebut ora mung nerjemahake dokumen, nanging uga bisa ngowahi asil dadi pirang-pirang format. Ora ana aplikasi tambahan sing dibutuhake. Sampeyan malah bisa ngowahi dokumen sing diasilake sadurunge nyimpen utawa nuduhake.